عنــــصــــر شـــــــیــــک

عنــــصــــر شـــــــیــــک

ما در شبکه های اجتماعی



During the US occupation of Iraq it was routine to torture Iraqis in prisons like Abu Ghraib whose prison guards were using tactics learnt in Israeli training camps as Robert Fisk pointed out in ‘Abu Ghraib torture trail leads to Israel’; one of the most baffling questions asked during interrogation was “Where is the man called Imam Mahdi where is he hiding?”

According to Mohabat News a pro –Israel Iranian Christian news agency, the fear of the hidden Imam is so credible that they posted news of how the CIA and MI6 have been going to Iraq for the past 20 years to get information about imam Mahdi; how they tortured religious scholars and innocent villagers to ask question based on where the Imam was last seen? Which city? What time and when will he be coming again and in which year?

American corporate media has already shown sinister documentaries depicting the hidden messiah who is apparently advising Iranian politicians from his lofty hidden position and manoeuvring to bring about Armageddon.

So who is this Imam Mahdi that the Zionists controlling the American Congress and the international monetary system on the look- out for with orders to shoot him on sight.

Imam Mahdi is the 12th Shia Imam and according to Islamic hadiths is in ‘occultation’ or hidden and will return to earth to establish peace and justice on earth. He was born on July 29 869 in the city of Samarra, Iraq and his mother Nargis was of Roman descent.

He was kept hidden from birth till he disappeared because the rulers of the time the Abbasids knew the Prophesy of Imam Mahdi who will bring about a revolt against oppression and tyranny. The Abbasid’s knew that the prophesised one will be the son of the 11th Shia imam, Imam Al Askari.

In order to kill the child at the birth they kept a close eye on his household, even inspecting the women of the household to see who was with child.

According to the story the child’s birth and first few years were kept secret however as soon as Imam Al Askari was killed the son who was about 4 years old went into the realm of the hidden, he reappeared after a few years but disappeared again as the hunt for him gathered pace to await the ordained hour to reappear and destroy the perpetrators of evil and restore humanity.

Whether this is a fiction or non –fiction what is strange is that the same trend in the story continues till today; the oppressive rulers over a thousand years ago tried to hunt for him to kill him then and the present day oppressors are still hunting him to kill him.

Melanie Phillips the voice box for the Zionists recently on BBC Question time turned the discussion around again to the Shia Imam Mahdi hiding in Iran coming to bring about Armageddon.

In Journalist Matt Carr’s Infernal Machine blog he writes “In other words, the Iranian leadership is seeking nuclear weapons so that Iran can be destroyed and its population can all go to heaven. Not surprisingly this argument has been made by the bug-eyed Zionist zealot Melanie Phillips on numerous occasions”

Phillips writes: “As I have written over and over again, from the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei downwards the Iranian regime is dominated by people (adherents of a sect called the ‘Twelvers’) who believe that the Shia messiah, the Mahdi, will return to earth either as result of or to bring about the apocalyptic end of days”.

It is obvious the Zionists want war with Iran however what doesn’t make sense is why is the search on for a man supposed to have disappeared over a thousand years ago?

The hidden Imam has been part of Shia and Sunni Islam for centuries? And this belief is really no different than a form of Millenarianism that exists in all religions.

Christians believe that the saviour Jesus will return to fight the anti-Christ while the Jews are risking world war three by dismantling Islam’s third holiest site Masjid Al Aqsa to build the third Temple so the Jewish Messiah will return and take them to world domination.

According to sceptics and the secular trained western mind these are just biblical stories, however what is baffling is if they are just biblical stories then why is Israel looking for Imam Mahdi?

As facts emerge of this hunt then maybe we should not also dismiss the stories emerging from Iraq about what steps they have taken to look for him.

In 2006 Imam Mahdi’s father Imam Al -Askari’s tomb in Samarra which is a place that marks Imam Mahdi’s birth and disappearance was bombed by men dressed up as the security forces. The men entered the tomb, tied up the caretakers, wired up the area with bombs and according to the caretakers the security officers opened the tomb to take something from it. Many believe that they took some clothing from Imam Al -Askari’s body in an attempt to determine the DNA of the future Imam.

It’s not coincidental that Phillips and her American Zionist counterparts are fermenting fear again, this time about a ‘hidden Imam’.

Phillips is part of the network that perpetuates Islamophobia and part of the Israel first citizens whose psyche has been described aptly by David Ben Gurion, Israeli Prime Minister when he stated: “When a Jew, in America or in South Africa, talks to his Jewish companions about ‘our’ government, he means the government of Israel.”

They are part of the same network that inspired the Norwegian killer Anders Brevik who killed 77 innocent people mainly pro Palestinians supporters who were in favour of boycotting Israel.

These Israel first individuals are also part of the group that the hacker organization “Anonymous,” exposed when it said Israel had a hidden network of 30,000 covert operatives, some openly labelled “hitman,”.

Gordon Duff American political analyst and Senior Editor at Veterans Today writes in “Horror in Israel: ‘30,000 Mossad Spies Exposed” stating: “Every day we see it in the news, dozens killed in Pakistan, dozens more in Iraq, Kenya, Nigeria, the covert army of 30,000, planning terror, building a dozen car bombs a day and then being able to, not just write the lies blaming others but, in most cases, direct public officials, controlled through blackmail, threats or bribery, to “respond as directed.”

Instead of worrying about Armageddon brought on by a man who disappeared over a thousand years ago shouldn’t Phillips and the world worry about the warning given by Israeli military Historian Martin van Creveld when he said: “We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, …. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.”

For centuries the Talmud has taught that ‘Jesus the Nazarene’ “was sexually immoral, worshipped statues of stone, was cut off from the Jewish people for his wickedness, and refused to repent (Sanhedrin 107b; Sotah 47a)”.

However over the centuries through heavy funding and manipulation the Zionists managed to convince the Christians that it is Islam that is evil and needs to be counteracted through the unity of Christian/Zionists.

Most of the Christian bible belt in America has strong links with Zionists and therefore it must have been a shock to them when a Catholic Christian Hugo Chavez made a decisive speech after his momentous meeting with Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in which he states: “For us genuine Christians Jerusalem is a very holy location Prophet Jesus will come hand in hand with Hazrat Mahdi then peace will prevail all over the world”.

The fact that Chavez hinted that Muslims and Christian will unite to fight evil is something that the Zionists do not want. They have spent billions on Islamophobic think tanks and through the media to marginalise Muslims.

An interview conducted by Ann Curry on behalf of NBC with Iran President Ahmadinejad was not aired in 2009 because his answer about the hidden Imam did not support the view that they wanted to perpetuate ‘that he will bring about an apocalypse’.

President Ahmadinejad corrected her by stating: “What is being said about an apocalyptic war and – global war…… This is what the Zionists are claiming. Imam will come with logic, with culture, with science. He will come so that there is no more war. No more enmity, hatred. No more conflict…..he will return with Jesus Christ. The two will come back together. And working together, they would fill this world with love”.

The last thing Israel would want is that Christian groups should wake up and realise that the real enemy is not Islam but rather Zionism.

The fact that the Roman Catholic Church wants to turn a blind eye to the persecution of Christians in Jerusalem affirms why the founders of Israel and the House of Rothschild are in control as Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), stated: “Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.”

If Israel is basing its policies on some biblical belief that it was their right to return to Jerusalem as the ‘chosen people’ after 2,000 years of wandering (Keeping in mind the occupiers of Palestinian lands are originally Khazars) then it shouldn’t come as surprise that its leaders believe that it is fulfilling some kind of messianic prophesy.

Jonas E .Alexis in ‘Bolshevik Purge of Western Civilization and Rational Discourse (Part II)’ writes: “If this is still unbelievable, listen to former Shin Bet chief Yuval Diskin:

“My major problem is that I have no faith in the current leadership, which must lead us in an event on the scale of war with Iran or a regional war….I don’t believe in a leadership that makes decisions based on messianic feelings.”

Are these ‘Messianic feelings’ the reason why the search is on for Imam Mahdi. And if they are aware of his coming then they must also be aware of the hadith that states that “Armies carrying black flags will come from Khorassan and no power will be able to stop them and they will finally reach Baitul Maqdas (Masjid Aqsa) where they will erect their flags.”

The fact that Iran as the IAEA has revealed is not building a nuclear bomb however Israel is still pushing for war, could the reason be that the biggest supporters of the 12th Shia Imam Mahdi are in Iran and Khorassan is part of the region?

Khorassan is the north eastern province of Iran but also includes some parts of central Asia and Afghanistan.

Wherever the US and Israel has carried out wars they have used bombs containing white phosphorous, exposing the fact that wars are not about exporting democracy, but ensuring they leave a legacy of crippled and mutilated future generations unable to ever form a resistance movement.

Ten years after the start of the U.S. invasion in Iraq, doctors are witnessing an abnormally high number of cases of cancer and birth defects linked to the use of depleted uranium and white phosphorus by the US military. The current rate of birth defects for the city of Fallujah has surpassed those of Hiroshima and Nagasaki .

Leaked Afghan military documents by The Danish Daily revealed more than 1,100 instances of US-led forces having used white phosphorus (WP) grenades, rockets and bombs in residential areas in Afghanistan.


The Islamic hadiths that mentions the coming of Imam Mahdi leading an army carrying black flags also mentions that very few Arabs will support this Army siding with the tyrants.

The Arabs who will be with the Imam have already given an indication who they are, Hezbollah’s small ill equipped army defeated Israel a nuclear armed state and its state of the art weaponry; Hezbollah’s fighters may have been ill equipped but were infused with the same spirit that led Imam Ali Ibn Abu Talib to break down the impregnable doors of the Jewish fort Khaybar, the same spirit his son Imam Hussain had at Karbala where his band of 72 stood against the tyrant Yazid’s army of 10,000.

It is quite poignant that over a thousand year old hadith mentions that many Arabs will work with the tyrants to fight against the coming Imam.

Who are these Arabs? We have seen already Saudi Arabia and the Gulf rulers’ alliance with Israel and nothing has exposed this more than the Syria conflict.

Israel is pushing for war with Syria and Iran along with Saudi Arabia and Qatar funneling large sums of money and weapons to militias inside Syria, and killing Shias is part of that agenda.

Journalist Seymour Hersh in his New Yorker article, “The Redirection,” highlighted how the Bush Administration’s whole focus was to undermine Iran and to weaken Hezbollah by working with Saudi Arabia funding extremist groups “

The New World Order has manage to create brutal forces in Islam friendly to Israel, a force that thinks it is Ok to rape women and children and show decapitated bodies as trophies on you tube? This intolerant form of Islam manufactured by British agent Abdul Wahab has produced an intolerant form of Islam propagated by the Saudi regime which sees Shias rather than Israel as the enemy.

Abdallah Tamimi one of the leaders of the Free Syrian Army asked Israel for help to establish Sunni rule to oppress Shias, Christians and Druze, stressing “Israel is not our enemy we want Israel to help us”.

Saudi Arabia and Israel is also funding sectarian warfare in countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq, with an alarming numbers of Shias deaths taking place. Wikileaks US Lahore cables highlighted how Saudi Arabia is funding millions of dollars to Ahle- hadith and Islamic clerics in the region.

Shia death rate in Pakistan has escalated and even though efforts have been made at grass roots level by Sunni and Shia groups to unite to quell the killings however the future looks bloody after Nawaz Shariff who was brought into power by support of Saudi money will now allow the Saudis a free hand to do what it did in Afghanistan where it trained the Afghan youth in Saudi funded madrassas to produce the intolerant Taliban, and the intolerant Takfiris’s killing and mutilating in Syria.

It is possible that Millenarian beliefs will get stronger as the world’s leaders and rulers work with the proponents of the New World Order, dragging their nations and people into subjugation and slavery, and the only organization, the UN that was meant to protect nations and their rights is “..an illogical, unjust and completely undemocratic structure and mechanism. ….It is through abusing this improper mechanism that America and its accomplices have managed to disguise their bullying as noble concepts and impose it on the world”. Imam Khamenei

The fact that a strategy is being implemented by Israel with the support of the US to search for the hidden Imam leads one to believe that maybe there is some truth in the biblical story and in a world where we still want to believe in super heroes, it’s not so illogical if our eyes look wistfully with hope for an army that will emerge from Khorassan carrying black flags led by the prophesized one and fight against injustice.

Belief in divine savior comes from nature and the belief that hope alive in the hearts. But generally, this belief is reflected in the books of ancient peoples, the savior of the narrative, the story is controversial, but glaring effects in all nations, which is born of the belief of many religions. But predictions that it was customary among the nations, of course, undeniable connection with supernal source (revelation) because in all nations, East and West of the world, God has sent prophets that this promise has been explained or documented in books The differences that sometimes exist in terms of the Savior to be seen, experiences and dust originates from history and to express these ideas in different races past, a reminder that the Shiite certainly do not agree with all these ideas, but the point is pointed out to them To prove the existence of a savior.

 So in this part of the Bashar scriptures and doctrines of the past nations look to the Savior:

Mahdi (pbuh) in the Old Testament:

Psalms 150's 35 sectors of the Savior is (the Psalms Vdavvd):

 "For evil men will be cut off, but waits for the Lord, shall inherit the earth. Han will be a little while and the wicked ..." (Book Framyr, firmware, then 37, 90, 12)

 In the book of the prophet Isaiah: "And the seedlings come out of the trunk Lyy, a branch of their roots and the spirit of God he will be surprised and will judge the poor with justice and truth will judge for the meek of the earth." (Chapter 11, paragraphs 1, 10).

 And this book is a brief description of the emergence Council: "The wolf will dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the fatling together and a little child will lead them ... and in all my holy mountain, loss and not corruption, because the world will be full of the knowledge of God and the will of God insists: What caused the delay, wait for it, because, of course, will come and will not delay. " (Books mighty prophet, Chapter 2, paragraph 1. 10).

Mahdi (PBUH) in the New Testament (Gospels and Accessories):

 The Gospels speak about him in various states: "As the emitted power from the East to the West appears, so will the Son of Man ... and then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven. And then all the tribes of the earth will Synhzny and see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and glory "(Matthew, chapter 24, paragraphs 27 and 30).

 It is the Gospel speaks: "Therefore you also be ready, because at an hour that you do not think, the Son of man cometh." (Chapter 24, Section 37 and 45).

And the Gospel of Mark on the waiting tasks, says: "But of that day and hour the Father, no one does not know, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, and woke up after themselves, pray, because you do not know when it is time." (Gospel of Mark, chapter 14, sections 26, 27, 31 and 33).

 The interesting thing about the Gospels: "Son of man, according to the written word in the lexicon of American Max Bible, 80 times in the Bible and its attachments (New Testament) repeated that only 30 cases with Jesus (PBUH) is applicable Christ and 50 Another explanation is the savior who will emerge at the end and Jesus (peace be upon him) will come and he will glorify him and his coming hours and days, but of God who does not know. "

Mahdi (PBUH) in the holy books of the Indians:

Note thing is necessary: from the perspective of Shia books, scriptures do not count, but extracts from the Bible and Brpakhvasth of human nature is clean and the predictions should only be sources of inspiration.

 In the Basque book of scriptures Indians reads: "the world is all in a righteous kingdom at the end of that time the leader of angels and fairies and humans, and truth be with him and what is hidden in the heavens and the earth and the sea all by and ... "

 Shakmvny of authentic and holy books in Chinese: "The kingdom of the world to kill the son of Sayyid creature in the world (in Spanish Hindi name of the Prophet of Islam) over the mountains of east and west, and who rule the world and command and clouds ride and ... "

 Vshn Hvk fate of the world in the book reads: "The world will return to someone who loves God and his servants and his name is happy and blessed."

 In other books of the Indians, including Dartec machine with Tkyl Chabot Sarganserland effects of the global promised to see.

Mahdi (PBUH) in the Zoroastrian sources:

 In his book of Zoroastrian scriptures discussed the fate of the world in this way: "Then the god Ahura to help people reach great victory of the gods and the demons and make extinct. After winning the American overthrow the gods and demons, heaven Kayhan, the main happiness reached, son of man shall sit on the throne of prosperity ... "

 Jamasp namag written in the book of Jamast (the great Zoroastrian) describes these characteristics: A man comes out of the ground to the detriment of the son of Hashim, a great man and a great body and great legs and on his own new religion, the army is on goes to Iran, and the village and the land was filled with them, and that he hit the wolf with sheep water, and many people, and life begins again Bdrazy and return, as a man that he was the son of fifty male and material, and the mountains and plains full of people and full of animals, as well as wedding Shvd.v everyone Mhrazmay open this coming, and compact and chaos of the world to stand up, so forget that the weapons should have, and if yet I bitter it is good that we Bdvandrym this life.

 And another says, "the children of the Prophet (last) person will appear in Mecca that the Prophet's successor and follower of his new religion of justice and all the she-wolf with sheep drinking ritual Mhrazmay (Muhammad) will be converted."

 Other parts of the prophecies of Zoroaster, the avalanche came back to detail.

 In his book and Hvhvmn listener on the rise Sushians (Savior of the world) has reported "signs appear in the sky is amazing that refers to the Savior and the angels from East and West are sent to his command and sends a message to the whole world. "

 Sushians ancient belief in the emergence of the nation is so entrenched that the Persians at the Battle of Qadisiyah after repeated failures third Yazdgerd, the magnificent palace of Madain, saying: "Peace be upon you. I have you on the Mytabm until the with one of their children since its emergence has not come yet come back to you. " (Jamasb a 121 and 122)

 Of course, in the opinion of the Shiite Mahdi (pbuh) promised the girl child is considered the third Yazdgerd. For the third Imam of Shiites girl Yazdgerd third wife (Imam Hussain (PBUH)) and Hussain (PBUH) is the ninth ancestor Mahdi (pbuh) promised.

Mahdi (PBUH) in different nations:

In this section we have tried to terms with the smallest part of the different nations to express our beliefs.

 Ancient Iranians believed that Sepah Grza their historical hero is alive and one hundred thousand angels guard him until the day of resurrection and the world to reform.

1. Race Islam is of the opinion that a person come from the East and Islam to unite all tribes and bring them to dominate the world.

2. German shepherd believed that one of their victorious uprising and the German government on the world.

3. The people of Serbia were expected to rise Markvkralyvych.

4. The Jews believe that in the end Mashy (big M) emerge and rule the world forever, forever, but the descendants of Isaac know if he clearly states that he is a descendant of Ishmael.

5 people for the scourges that is Scandinavian. World Wars destroy people make. Then Odin or the divine power has emerged and will prevail over all.

6. Greeks say Kayvbrg, great savior, have emerged and will save the world.

7. Central American nations that Kvtzlkvml, save the world, after the events in the world will prevail.

8. China save the world get to know a man named Krishna.

9. peoples of Central Europe are waiting for the emergence of Bvkhs.






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حامد پهلان به نام موهاتو برام باز کن





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Hamed Pahlan & Ali Nejat – Mohato Baram Baz Kon

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Hamed Pahlan & Ali Nejat – Mohato Baram Baz Kon

Ashura, the tenth day of Muharram in the Islamic calendar, is the Muslim holy day. [1] reputation among Shiite day of Ashura because events on this day of the year 61 AH Imam Hussein bin Ali thirds of Shiites - and his helpers Event Karbala killed at war with Lashkar-e-Omar Saad. Shiites are in this day of mourning. Sunni Ashura, the anniversary of the day they know that Moses parted the Red Sea, and he and his followers crossed and marked the day of fasting on this day is considered an abomination.
The word Ashura means "10" is. In the official calendar of Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India is a holiday.


 , real story of ashura ,        Google+‎     جستجو     تصاویر     YouTube     Gmail     Drive     Translate     Mobile     بیشتر      ورود  Google تقریباً ۹۷۲٬۰۰۰ نتیجه (۰٫۵۵ ثانیه)   نمایش نتایج برای day of ashura درعوض جستجوی day of aushura اگر امکان دارد آن را به فارسی ایمیل کنید      Day of Ashura - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Day_of_Ashura  این صفحه را ترجمه کن The Day of Ashura (Arabic: عاشوراء ʻĀshūrā' , colloquially: /ʕa(ː)ˈʃuːra/; Urdu: عاشورا ; ... Shiite celebrations of the Day of Ashura have traditionally included ... ‏Etymology - ‏Historical background - ‏Legacy - ‏Commemoration of the death of ... Ashura 2014: 3 Things You Need To Know About The ... www.ibtimes.com/ashura-2014-3-things-you-nee... این صفحه را ترجمه کن ۱۳ آبان ۱۳۹۳ ه‍.ش. - Millions of Muslims worldwide are now marking the holy day of Ashura, the tenth day of Muharram in the Islamic calendar. This year, Ashura ... تصاویر برای ‪day of ashura‬‏گزارش تصاویر      نتیجه تصویری برای ‪day of ashura‬‏     نتیجه تصویری برای ‪day of ashura‬‏     نتیجه تصویری برای ‪day of ashura‬‏     نتیجه تصویری برای ‪day of ashura‬‏  تصاویر بیشتر برای day of ashura Fasting the Day of 'Ashura' - IslamiCity www.islamicity.org/.../fasting-the-day-of-ashura/ این صفحه را ترجمه کن 'Ashura' commemorates the day that Allah saved the Children of Israel from Pharaoh. Fasting on Muharram 10, known as the Day of 'Ashura', expiates for the ... The Day of 'Ashura: Sunni and Shi'a Comparison - Islam islam.about.com › ... › Other Islamic Observances این صفحه را ترجمه کن The historical significance of the day of 'Ashura, and how it is observed among Sunni and Shi'a Muslims. Mumbai boy has a gash cut into his head as part of Shi'ite ... www.dailymail.co.uk/.../Screaming-fear-moment-... این صفحه را ترجمه کن ۱۲ آبان ۱۳۹۳ ه‍.ش. - The Day of Ashura is a national holiday in some Muslim countries, with thousands taking part in annual rituals which include people whipping ... What is Ashura? - BBC News - BBC.com www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-16047713 این صفحه را ترجمه کن ۱۵ آذر ۱۳۹۰ ه‍.ش. - The day of Ashura is a major festival for Shia Muslims and commemorates the martyrdom at Karbala of Hussein, a grandson of the Prophet ... Shia Day of Ashura around the world – in pictures | World ... www.theguardian.com › World › Islam  - Ashura, one of the holiest days in Shia Islam, commemorates the killing of Imam Hussein, a grandson of the prophet Muhammad. A minority of ... Ashura - ReligionFacts www.religionfacts.com/ashura این صفحه را ترجمه کن Shortly after the Hijira in AD 622, Muhammad designated Ashura as a day of fasting from sunset to sunset, perhaps patterned on the Jewish Day of Atonement ... The Historical Significance of `Ashura www.sunnah.org/ibadaat/fasting/ashura.htm      این صفحه را ترجمه کن     Mu'awiyah ibn Abu Sufyan (Radiyallahu 'anh) relates: I heard the Messenger of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) say:

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نویسنده : Mostafa بازدید : 1595 تاریخ : پنج شنبه 7 آبان 1394برچسب: Translate Mobile بیشتر ورود Google تقریباً ۹۷۲٬۰۰۰ نتیجه (۰٫۵۵ ثانیه) نمایش نتایج برای day of ashura درعوض جستجوی day of aushura اگر امکان دارد آن را به فارسی ایمیل کنید Day of Ashura - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia https://en,wikipedia,org/wiki/Day_of_Ashura این صفحه را ترجمه کن The Day of Ashura (Arabic: عاشوراء ʻĀshūrā' , colloquially: /ʕa(ː)ˈʃuːra/; Urdu: عاشورا ; ,,, Shiite celebrations of the Day of Ashura have traditionally included ,,, ‏Etymology - ‏Historical background - ‏Legacy - ‏Commemoration of the death of ,,, Ashura 2014: 3 Things You Need To Know About The ,,, www,ibtimes,com/ashura-2014-3-things-you-nee,,, این صفحه را ترجمه کن ۱۳ آبان ۱۳۹۳ ه‍,ش, - Millions of Muslims worldwide are now marking the holy day of Ashura, the tenth day of Muharram in the Islamic calendar, This year, Ashura ,,, تصاویر برای ‪day of ashura‬‏گزارش تصاویر نتیجه تصویری برای ‪day of ashura‬‏ نتیجه تصویری برای ‪day of ashura‬‏ نتیجه تصویری برای ‪day of ashura‬‏ نتیجه تصویری برای ‪day of ashura‬‏ تصاویر بیشتر برای day of ashura Fasting the Day of 'Ashura' - IslamiCity www,islamicity,org/,,,/fasting-the-day-of-ashura/ این صفحه را ترجمه کن 'Ashura' commemorates the day that Allah saved the Children of Israel from Pharaoh, Fasting on Muharram 10, known as the Day of 'Ashura', expiates for the ,,, The Day of 'Ashura: Sunni and Shi'a Comparison - Islam islam,about,com › ,,, › Other Islamic Observances این صفحه را ترجمه کن The historical significance of the day of 'Ashura, and how it is observed among Sunni and Shi'a Muslims, Mumbai boy has a gash cut into his head as part of Shi'ite ,,, www,dailymail,co,uk/,,,/Screaming-fear-moment-,,, این صفحه را ترجمه کن ۱۲ آبان ۱۳۹۳ ه‍,ش, - The Day of Ashura is a national holiday in some Muslim countries, with thousands taking part in annual rituals which include people whipping ,,, What is Ashura? - BBC News - BBC,com www,bbc,com/news/world-middle-east-16047713 این صفحه را ترجمه کن ۱۵ آذر ۱۳۹۰ ه‍,ش, - The day of Ashura is a major festival for Shia Muslims and commemorates the martyrdom at Karbala of Hussein, a grandson of the Prophet ,,, Shia Day of Ashura around the world – in pictures | World ,,, www,theguardian,com › World › Islam - Ashura, one of the holiest days in Shia Islam, commemorates the killing of Imam Hussein, a grandson of the prophet Muhammad, A minority of ,,, Ashura - ReligionFacts www,religionfacts,com/ashura این صفحه را ترجمه کن Shortly after the Hijira in AD 622, Muhammad designated Ashura as a day of fasting from sunset to sunset, perhaps patterned on the Jewish Day of Atonement ,,, The Historical Significance of `Ashura www,sunnah,org/ibadaat/fasting/ashura,htm این صفحه را ترجمه کن Mu'awiyah ibn Abu Sufyan (Radiyallahu 'anh) relates: I heard the Messenger of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) say: , , ادامه مطلب



1«owner» in the scrolls of Abraham (pbuh)
2 "vertical" thirteenth in the Psalms;
3 The "Qydmv" Trkvm word in the Torah;
4 "Mashy" (big M) in the Hebrew Bible;
5 'end Mhmyd "in the Bible;
6 "oracle god" in Zamzam Zoroaster;
7 "B" in his Abstaq and Pazand;
8 "servant of God" in beats and Pazand;
9 "Land Btava" in a thousand Indians;
10 "Shmakhyl" in Armats;
11 "feed" the eternal;
12 "blessed" (Ahmad) in the foreign Kndral;
13 "KH" in the book of the Magi;
14 "Haq of" no prophet in the Book;
15 "P" in December Barzin Persians;
16 "Paradise is great" in the book of Romans Qbrvs;
17 "word-Haq" in the heavenly book;
18 "truth language" in the heavenly book;
19 "Samsam al-akbar" in Kndral;
20 "rest of God" in the book Dvhr;
21 "decisive" in Qntrh;
22 "M" in view of Brahmh;
23 "standing" (upright) in Shakmvny;
24 "Vishnu" in the book of Rig Veda;
25 "F" (Muhammad) the Book Vshn jokes;
26 "Help" (H and M) in Patykl;
27 "Son of Man" in the New Testament (Gospel and its appendices)
28 "Sushians" in his book and I Homo Y., Zrdtshyan books;
29 In the book "Shabvhrgan" The Bible "Manvyh" translation "Muller" called "the city of the god" which should emerge in the end, and justice in the world reveal;
30 "F" (M) in the book of the prophet Shaya.

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Last month, on the fifteenth of Sha'ban 255 AH Imam Shiites, despite intensive care Abbasid government officials, in the house of Imam Askari (PBUH) opened the eyes of the world. Unlike his secret birth to the birth of Moses and Abraham's (pbuh).

Name: Muhammad ibn al-Hasan
Nickname: A.
Imam Mahdi (AS) the name and patronymic prophet (pbuh). In narrations that are not worthy of his name and patronymic, their name has adorned the earth, then God appearing and his government appear to return.
Among the Jewish religious books, revelations about the Savior has been less distorted Vdstbrd adversaries.

Some of this is due to the strong tendency of Jews to the Savior described as "Harambam" (mouse Maimonides) of the adult Jewish elders and says:

"Every Jew who does not believe in the Messiah or not coming forward to deny the statements of Moses and other prophets of Israel (1)

Some of these verses neutrality and non-interference in the lives of rabbis and Jewish leaders are distorting factor in staying safe.

Some are of the opinion that what the Jews in all periods of history full of ups and Nshybshan United always kept their faith in the Savior (We Sheikh) and some other verses related to this Amr- relative immunity to the Alzman- think of divine miracles.

Whatever the reason, the result is that the Jewish religious books and prophets of Israel saw the rise of many that the issue of the end of time, signs, and dedicated person and even in some books such as the Psalms promised Prophet David (PBUH) apocalyptic issues and signs have been the savior of a third of the book.

Some of these verses, the advent of Jesus Christ (PBUH) and his personal imply great match but in the search form and content of some verses of the Old Testament and incredible things to eat that strangely issues savior of the Shiite Imam Ali The rest of Azam Ali (AS) is consistent.

In a way that leaves no doubt as to any fair person.
The Pentateuch Torah travel (sefr) Genesis states:

"God appeared to Abraham and said to give this land to your descendants all this land that you see I will give to thy seed for ever you" (2)

The verses of this has led to some Jews, all the land of their inheritance Zionist thought and ideas derived from these verses from other lands allow rape count.

And elsewhere addressed to Abraham, we have:

"I will bring you a lot of time and many nations around you, I appear, you created Kings of your Ynd.hd among themselves and will make thy seed after thee, which is based on generation after generation is eternal"

God spoke to Abraham his father and the other part is called the Gentiles:

"Thy name be read after this Abram, but your name will be Abraham, for I have made you the father of many nations. (3)

In another verse Allah refers to the inheritance of land in addition to the righteous in the end talk of a large seed of Abraham (Ibrahim) to:

4. If you count the stars in the sky Bngr- thy seed also will be the Torah of the Chaldeans (Mesopotamia) brought to earth to give you the inheritance (4)


As you are aware, in the first verse God promised Abraham's descendants ruled the world and in the next verse a covenant between himself and Abraham describes.

Indeed, the covenant between God and the Prophet Ebrahim What? In what has been called the prophet of God, of God? Inheritance of land to his descendants?

Without a doubt, the best way to answer such questions is to look at the Holy Quran as the Quran has confirmed some of the above and unveil the secrets big plus, because the confirmation of the third verse:

"Many have made thee a father of many nations"


"... Including the Abykm Abraham and Ho Smykm Muslim and Faye draws me before ..."

"The religion of your father Abraham, God direct you in the previous books in this book called Muslim". (5)

But very important point in the fourth verse that speaks of the covenant between God and Abraham goes, this strangely in the Qur'an have been answered as we read:

"And taking Abtly Ibrahim Rabbo Bklmt Fatmhn Jalk Lnas MMI fireproof fireproof Annie and I biennials seed layer fireproof Alzalmyn"

"When the Lord of Abraham, tested him with commands and he came entirely from their responsibility, the Lord said to him, I'll Dadm.abrahym Imam and leader of the people said of the dynasty and the seed I put imams, said the Lord promise I am not wicked "(6)

So the covenant between God and His Messenger, to certain people of the seed of Abraham (as) imamate, which includes not wicked, why call God to Abraham that his request to put his seed should be such analysis .

Abraham had two sons, one from his wife, Sarah, Isaac, and another slave named Hagar, Ishmael was the reason for the marriage of Abraham by Hagar, Sarah's infertility, but God also answered later wish Sarah and her Isaac was born.

Jews know because as the son of Isaac, Isaac, Jacob "Israel means servant of God". Therefore the children of Israel, the descendants of Jacob.

The Jews, he was the son of Abraham, which means testing (victim) was Ishmael, not Isaac, but believe that attained this status.

However, the prophet and Amir and consequently the Imams and Sadat of Ishmael (AS).
The other reason is because the Quran to talk with Jews but do not know enough to answer this question in chapter 17 verse 20 of Genesis we search the Bible verse that the heart of every man truth with the light of God shine and shake the foundations of fitness and intellectual enemies of Ahlul Bayt (AS) throws:

"But what about Ishmael demand compliance commanded thee, behold, I will bless him time around, he is very multiply and 12 of his Imam arise and I will make him a great nation."

Yes, for Abraham's descendants who they achieve such imamate to be answered in the Torah, and more interesting that his word is repeated 12 times in the Quran! Which man is a seeker of wisdom and truth that the Shia Lyle did not realize the truth?

Yes, God promises to Abraham and Ishmael's descendants were in response to her request and is interesting that the phrase "... and I will make him a great nation" is clearly a reference to Islam's stated as the total number of Jews in the world (the children of Isaac ) is estimated to be only 14 million people, while the Muslim nation with a billion and a half people in the world after Christianity's most devoted followers, and even if the number of Shiites in the world (almost 200 million), to take the open We saw a clear distance.

Is not it in the Bible that God spoke to Abraham:

"Look at the sky, count the stars, if thou shalt thy seed also will be"

Apparently this is a verse in the Torah commentary of Surah Kausar. Yes verbal luminous same origin and of course referring to the truth of Scripture and the Shiite Imam Mahdi Genesis does not concern just as in many other Old Testament apocalyptic signs that the same examples of Quranic verses and traditions is also available in For example, consider the following:

"And seedlings from the trunk" Jesse "(the name of his father David) went out of his roots a branch will blossom and spirit will be upon him, will judge the poor with justice and for the meek of the earth, indeed ... waist belt will be ruling Justice and middle belt trust .... wolf will dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid, and the calf and the lion together and a little child will lead them ... in the mountains My holy, harmless and not corruption, because the world will be full of the knowledge of God. " (7)
* The proof of his descent from the mother of his son Simon Narjeskhatoon to us all that he has fun cousin, Mary the mother of Jesus (AS) and Prophet David was interesting that both these honorable men. Others mentioned in this verse are identical in Islamic tradition, for example, Imam Hassan (AS) has said: at the time of the emergence of predators will simply live together (and Altslt Sabea) and horned goats and goats without horns will not attack ...

"Lord Saba Yvette says once Dygrasmanha and I will shake the earth and the sea and land and all nations will make Ramtzlzl virtue of all nations will come and then ... I will fill this house with glory." (8)

"Amir Azimi that you stand for boys called" standing "will rise ... Many of those who sleep in the dust, will awake ..." (9)

* In this verse Allah clearly the rest of his title called "vertical" means "standing" refers to the return of the faithful followed the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (as) is raised (over the age of Prayer: God, if death , who ordained it for all slaves between me and him - threw away his time, then-When I returned from the grave alive Zhvrsh- out now ...)

"Nakh lead many to righteousness (Imam time), will be like the stars forever and ever. But thou, O Daniel, words, books until the end of October now very quickly" traffic "will." (10 )

"Blessed are those who wait" (11)

* Business Afzal expected Faraj (the Shi'ite traditions expects the reappearance of best practices)

"Dominion and glory and kingdom given to all peoples and nations and languages ​​should serve him Knnd.sltnt Avjavdany and decline and his kingdom will not pass away." (12)

"The Book of Habakkuk: Although the delay, wait for it, because it will come and will not delay ... but all nations are gathered before Him, and all the people to provide for themselves." (13)

* Uyun Akhbar, vol. 1, p. 134 is the prophet Habakkuk that buried in Tuysarkan a strong Seventh-day Imam Mahdi and Daymsh slogan "Peace Alhm Ali Muhammad and Muhammad and Jl Frjhm was." Three of them in his book with obvious implications to the salvation of believers and the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his progeny) as the evangelized Alnbyn seal Dhnd.amam Reza (PBUH) in the House of Catholicos-Ma'mun that Azlma and the elders of the Jews, the question says: Is he talking about the advent of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his progeny) seen in the Torah? Knm.gftny said yes and acknowledge the great prophet and holy body waiting for Imam Zaman as miraculous in 1372 (AD) during excavations of several Jewish shrine in Tuyserkan Mthrshan appeared healthy.

Perhaps the most points to the emergence and should end in the Psalms of the Prophet David (PBUH) be sought as much as 150 to 35 and 55 to the end, you know.

It is not without reason that God in the Quran when referring to the fate of believers in the end draw our attention to the Psalms:
"And certainly We wrote in the Psalms, after the Torah that was Bongan our righteous will inherit the earth" (14)
So no surprise if the content of the Koranic verse in the Psalms, also see:

"The wicked will be cut off, but was waiting for God shall inherit the earth, shortly after the meek shall inherit the earth was evil was not, and their legacy will be forever Alabad. God supports the righteous, God knows full day and day He will be forever cut off the wicked generation of the righteous shall inherit the earth, and it will live forever, good night to take his life and his descendants will inherit. "(15)


"And he will judge thy people with justice, and thy poor judgment and poor children will save the humble and the oppressors will. In time he will blossom and abundance righteous will rule from sea to health will be or and from the river to the ends of the earth. "(16)

* In Bharalanvar Lmh chamber c 53 Page 62 states: Upon the advent of the earth, blind, crippled and crippling remain (abundance Health).

"All kings will bow down to him and all nations will serve him as a poor Astghatsh Nmvd.zyra, he will deliver and save the lives of the poor." (17)

"His name will remain forever, the name will stay the sun, people will be blessed in him and all the nations will say, blessed him, and bless his name forever blowing and the whole earth is full of his glory." (18)

"Wait for the Lord, be strong, he will strengthen your heart ... of all that waiting, waiting for God to be God through him, Pull up thy inheritance raises the earth." (19)

"Tnrnm nations will rejoice and for people to be fair, then your product will land, but the righteous rejoice and exult before God to be pleased to come and celebrate.

His people will bring you to justice. And thy poor with judgment, poor people will be hearing will save the poor children. He will blossom when the righteous will be health and wealth.

He will rule from sea to sea and from the river to the different parts of the world, will be an abundance of grain in the land Brqlh mountains, from cities like grass of the earth will flourish, all the nations of the earth will call him happy. "(20 )


* Indicates a sign of the apocalypse that some Shi'ite traditions is also available to increase the urban population to rural population and abundant blessings and agricultural products following the rise and ...

"Two edged sword in their hand to take revenge of the nations." (21)

* The above also surprisingly to Zulfikar Ali (AS) who, according to Shiite tradition, God rest his hand (Ch) is mentioned.

However, the enemies of God 11 Imam of the seed of Abraham (AS) and god of blood and soil and disappears with their servants, their twelfth but he who last saved the divine right flag on the roof of the world will knock.

Hoping to emerge Molly and chief Imam, Imam Mahdi (as) that of course is nearby.

Ali Akbar Raef Poor


Iranian Jewish magazine publication Byna- first year (1378) (4)
(About 12 over 7)
(Bab17-over 20) and (Bab18-over 18). Jewish religious sources as the God of Abraham and Sarah try to pass after these tests come from God to his name "e" added he and Abram became Abraham and Sarah Saar
(13-15) (15-5 to 8).
Verse 78 of Surah Hajj
Sura Baqarah, verse 124
Book of Isaiah (Chapter 11, paragraphs 1 to 10)
Book of Haggai (Chapter 2, paragraphs 6 to 9)
Daniel (Chapter 12 - 1,12)
Daniel (12-3V season 4)
Daniel (chapters 12-12)
Daniel (chapters 7, 12 and 14)
Book of Habakkuk (2-3Ta 5) Habakkuk word (Hayaghogh) in Hebrew, "Habakkuk" which means Ghvshgrfth is pronounced. It was so named because he is a world of his childhood and Elias the Prophet (PBUH) took him in his arms, and pray that God will make him live again. In Jinan in my actions as David, Imam Sadiq (AS) refers to his name
Chapter prophets, verse 105
Psalm 37 dams 9-11-12-17-18-27-29
Psalm 72 paragraphs 2, 4, 7 and 8
Psalm 72 paragraphs 11 and 13
Psalm 72 paragraphs 17 and 19
(Psalm 69 paragraph 3), (130 paragraph 5 and 6)
(Psalm 67 paragraph 4), (Psalm 68 paragraph 3), (Psalm 72 paragraphs 2, 4, 7, 8, 16, 17 and 149)
Psalm 149 paragraph 7

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Waiting For The Son Of Man Tab - Ultimate Guitar




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۱۲ مرداد ۱۳۸۶ ه‍.ش. - Waiting For The Son Of Man tab by Placebo with free online tab player, speed control and loop. Correct version. Added on August 3, 2007.


"Waiting For The Son Of Man" in Tab - 911Tabs

www.911tabs.comBands - PPlacebo


ترجمه این صفحه
Choose and determine which version of Waiting For The Son Of Man chords and tabs by Placebo you can play. Last updated on 03.04.2013.


Romans 8:19 For the creation waits in eager expectation for ...



ترجمه این صفحه
For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God. ... We need patience, our way is rough and long; but He that shall come, will ... the sin of man, are introduced by a rhetorical figure, as waiting for deliverance and a ...


Wait for the Son of Man (Imam Mahdi) We're waiting for the ...



۸ اردیبهشت ۱۳۹۴ ه‍.ش. - برچسب: Wait for the Son of Man (Imam Mahdi) We're waiting for the Son of man which is the opposite of tyranny and terror We look forward to ...


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Wait for the Son of Man (Imam Mahdi) We're waiting for the Son of man which is the opposite of tyranny and terror We look forward to the coming global justice ...


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Wait for the Son of Man (Imam Mahdi) We're waiting for the Son of man which is the opposite of tyranny and terror We look forward to the coming global justice ...


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What Are You Waiting For?: Sermons on the Parables of ...

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Mark Trotter - 2010 - ‏Religion
When they were asked, "How can we energize more young people to vote? ... Consider the biblical phrase: "When the Son of Man comes, will he find ...


wait for the son of man (imam mahdi) we\'re waiting for the ...

Wait for the Son of Man (Imam Mahdi) We're waiting for the Son of man which is the opposite of tyranny and terror We look forward to the coming global justice ...


نویسنده : Mostafa بازدید : 2189 تاریخ : دو شنبه 4 آبان 1394برچسب: Waiting For The Son Of Man Tab - Ultimate Guitar tabs,ultimate-guitar,com/,,,/waiting_for_the_son_of_ma,,, ترجمه این صفحه ۱۲ مرداد ۱۳۸۶ ه‍,ش, - Waiting For The Son Of Man tab by Placebo with free online tab player, speed control and loop, Correct version, Added on August 3, 2007, "Waiting For The Son Of Man" in Tab - 911Tabs www,911tabs,com › Bands - P › Placebo ترجمه این صفحه Choose and determine which version of Waiting For The Son Of Man chords and tabs by Placebo you can play, Last updated on 03,04,2013, Romans 8:19 For the creation waits in eager expectation for ,,, biblehub,com/romans/8-19,htm ترجمه این صفحه For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God, ,,, We need patience, our way is rough and long; but He that shall come, will ,,, the sin of man, are introduced by a rhetorical figure, as waiting for deliverance and a ,,, Wait for the Son of Man (Imam Mahdi) We're waiting for the ,,, shabgard25,ir/,,,/wait-for-the-son-of-man-imam-mahdi-were-waiting-for,,, ۸ اردیبهشت ۱۳۹۴ ه‍,ش, - برچسب: Wait for the Son of Man (Imam Mahdi) We're waiting for the Son of man which is the opposite of tyranny and terror We look forward to ,,, wait for the son of man (imam mahdi) we\'re waiting for the ,,, avaye-entezar,rozblog,com/,,,/Wait+for+the+Son+of+Man+(Imam+Mah,,, Wait for the Son of Man (Imam Mahdi) We're waiting for the Son of man which is the opposite of tyranny and terror We look forward to the coming global justice ,,, we\'re waiting for the son of man which is the opposite of ,,, avaye-entezar,rozblog,com/,,,/We're+waiting+for+the+Son+of+man+whi,,, Wait for the Son of Man (Imam Mahdi) We're waiting for the Son of man which is the opposite of tyranny and terror We look forward to the coming global justice ,,, Fentanyl kills Nova Scotia man waiting to enter detox ,,, - CBC www,cbc,ca/,,,/fentanyl-kills-nova-scotia-man-waiting-t,,, - ترجمه این صفحه ۲۵ شهریور ۱۳۹۴ ه‍,ش, - Fentanyl kills Nova Scotia man waiting to enter detox program, 'I was dumbfounded; we had never really heard of it,' says father after fentanyl death of son ,,, A Hantsport father speaks out about the overdose of his son 7:51 ,,, What Are You Waiting For?: Sermons on the Parables of ,,, https://books,google,com/books?isbn=1426727623 - ترجمه این صفحه Mark Trotter - 2010 - ‏Religion When they were asked, "How can we energize more young people to vote? ,,, Consider the biblical phrase: "When the Son of Man comes, will he find ,,, wait for the son of man (imam mahdi) we\'re waiting for the ,,, www,avaye-entezar,rzb,ir/,,,/Wait+for+the+Son+of+Man+(Imam+Mahdi)+,,, Wait for the Son of Man (Imam Mahdi) We're waiting for the Son of man which is the opposite of tyranny and terror We look forward to the coming global justice ,,,, son of man , son of man lyrics , son of man tarzan , son of man painting , son of man meaning , son of man chords , son of man tye tribbett , son of man in the bible , son of man painting meaning , son of man movie , who is son of man , who is son of man in daniel , who is son of man in bible , who is son of man in ezekiel , who is the son of man in matthew , who is the son of man in the old testament , who is the son of man in revelation , who is the son of manmohan singh , who is the son of man in mark , who is called son of man , , ادامه مطلب


آیا تصاویر مرتبط با ائمه واقعی هستند ؟

آیا تصاویر مرتبط با ائمه واقعی هستند ؟

منبع این عکس ها از کجاست ؟

چه کسی اونا و کشیده ؟

از روی چه سندی ؟؟

تصویر دروغین از ائمه ع

تصویر دروغین از ائمه (ع)


ویدئو تکه ای از سخنرانی استاد رائفی پور است

نظر استاد علی اکبر رائفی پور درباره واقعیت تمثال های مرتبط با ائمه (ع)

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نویسنده : Mostafa بازدید : 1830 تاریخ : شنبه 2 آبان 1394برچسب: ashura , ashura 2015 , ashura naruto , ashura god , asura , ashura the hedgehog , ashura movie , ashura vs indra , ashura 2017 , asura's wrath , ashura october , ashura festival , ashura festival of mutilation , ashura festival 2015 , ashura festival self flagellation , ashura festival video , ashura festival 2015 , ashura festival definition , ashura festival 2018 , ashura festival meaning , ashura festival 2016 , muharram festival , muharram festival 2015 , muharram festival history in telugu , muharram festival images , muharram festival in hindi , muharram festival in india , muharram festival in telugu , muharram festival means , muharram festival video , muharram festival details , muharram , muharram 2017 , muharram 2016 , muharram 2015 usa , muharram 2016 , muharram holiday , muharram 2015 ashura , muharram 10 2015 , muharram shia , muharram date , imam hussain , imam hossein university , imam hussein tv , imam hussain quotes , imam hussain shrine , imam hussain grave , imam hussain shrine live , imam hussain movie , imam hussain sayings , imam hussain movie 2015 , who is abbas , who is abbas ibn firnas , who is abbasid caliphate , who is abbas saj , who is abbasi , who is abbas mustan , who is abbas mourad , who is abbasmomo , who is abbas sajwani , who is abbas ibn ali , who is imam hossein , imam hussain , who is imam hussain family , who is imam hussain wife , who is imam hussain in urdu , who is imam sadiq , who is imam mahdi , who is imam mahdi according to quran , who is imam mahdi sunni , who is imam mahdi according to quran in urdu , who is imam mahdi in urdu , who is imam , ادامه مطلب








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  1. ورود
ترجمه این صفحه
Ashura in 2015 is on Friday, the 23rd of October. Based on sightability in North America, in 2015 Ashura will start in North America a day later - on Saturday, the ...

Ashura: Calendar, History, facts, when is date, things to do

ترجمه این صفحه
۱۲ آبان ۱۳۹۳ ه‍.ش. - Ashura history, facts and quotes. When is Ashura shown on a calendar for this year and next. ... Ashura in 2015. Friday, Oct 23. Days to go: 2.

Ashura 2015: What is the Shia festival in Karbala and why ...


ترجمه این صفحه
۱ روز پیش - On Friday (23 October), millions of Muslims will gather to mark the holy day of Ashura, the tenth day of Muharram in the Islamic calendar.

Ashura 2015 — EthnoMed

ترجمه این صفحه
Saturday, Oct 24 (estimated). The Day of Ashura (عاشوراء (ʻĀshūrā', Ashura, Ashoura, and other spellings) is on the 10th day of Muharram in the Islamic ...
۱ آبان - ۲ آبان
Ashura 2015


When Is Ashura 2015? Dates, Key Facts, History, Plus Why ...

ترجمه این صفحه
۱۹ ساعت پیش - Afghan Shiite Muslims flagellate themselves with chains during an Ashura procession in Kabul, Afghanistan Oct. 21, 2015. Ashura, the biggest ...

First Day of Ashura in Pakistan - Time and Date

ترجمه این صفحه
... Ashura, Public Holiday. Fri, Oct 23, 2015, First Day of Ashura, Public Holiday ... Other holidays in October 2015 in Pakistan ... Fun Holiday on October 23, 2015.

Ashura in Iran - Time and Date

ترجمه این صفحه
Sat, Oct 24, 2015, Ashura, National holiday. Wed, Oct 12, 2016, Ashura, National holiday. Sun, Oct 1 ... Other holidays in October 2015 in Iran. Eid-al-Ghadir ...

Ashura in Iraq - Time and Date

ترجمه این صفحه
Sat, Oct 24, 2015, Ashura, National holiday. Wed, Oct 12, 2016, Ashura, National holiday. Sun, Oct 1, 2017, Ashura ... Other holidays in October 2015 in Iraq.

Muharram - Office Holidays

When is Ashura in 2015? - When-Is.com
ترجمه این صفحه
Ashura in 2015 is on Friday, the 23rd of October. Based on sightability in North America, in 2015 Ashura will start in North America a day later - on Saturday, the ...

When Is Ashura 2015? Dates, Key Facts, History, Plus Why ...

ترجمه این صفحه
۱۹ ساعت پیش - Muslims around the world are due Saturday to observe the holy day of Ashura, which is known to some as a day of self-flagellation and fasting ...

Muharram - Office Holidays

ترجمه این صفحه
Muslim Holiday Islamic Holiday. Ashura ... 2015, Saturday, October 24th ... The Day of Ashura is the 10th day of Muharram in the Islamic calendar. It marks the ...

Why Muslims celebrate a Jewish holiday - CNN.com

ترجمه این صفحه
It's Ashura, the 10th day of the first month on the Islamic calendar -- just like Yom Kippur on the Jewish one. ... Updated 1:38 PM ET, Thu October 22, 2015.

Day of Ashura - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

ترجمه این صفحه
2015 date, 23 October ... Shiite commemorations of the Day of Ashura have traditionally included rituals which have been condemned by many religious ...

Ashura 2015 — EthnoMed

ترجمه این صفحه
The Day of Ashura (عاشوراء (ʻĀshūrā', Ashura, Ashoura, and other spellings) is on the 10th day of Muharram in the Islamic calendar. Several narrations point to ...
۱ آبان - ۲ آبان
Ashura 2015

First Day of Ashura in Pakistan - Time and Date

ترجمه این صفحه
... Nov 13, 2013, First Day of Ashura, Public Holiday. Mon, Nov 3, 2014, First Day of Ashura, Public Holiday. Fri, Oct 23, 2015, First Day of Ashura, Public Holiday ...

Muharram/Ashura in India - Time and Date

ترجمه این صفحه
Background. Both Sunni and Shia Muslims observe the 10th day of Muharram in India and worldwide. ... Sat, Oct 24, 2015, Muharram/Ashura, Gazetted Holiday.

Ashura: Calendar, History, facts, when is date, things to do

ترجمه این صفحه
۱۲ آبان ۱۳۹۳ ه‍.ش. - Ashura in 2015. Friday, Oct 23 ... For Shi'a Muslims, Ashura marks the day that Husayn, the grandson of Muhammad was martyred. For Sunni ...

Ashura 2015: Shiite Muslims Mark Martyrdom Of Imam ...

نویسنده : Mostafa بازدید : 1574 تاریخ : شنبه 2 آبان 1394برچسب: Google+‎ جستجو تصاویر YouTube Gmail Drive Translate Mobile بیشتر ورود Google تقریباً ۲٬۴۶۰٬۰۰۰ نتیجه (۰٫۲۶ ثانیه) اگر امکان دارد آن را به فارسی ایمیل کنید When is Ashura in 2015? - When-Is,com www,when-is,com/ashura-2015,asp ترجمه این صفحه Ashura in 2015 is on Friday, the 23rd of October, Based on sightability in North America, in 2015 Ashura will start in North America a day later - on Saturday, the ,,, Ashura: Calendar, History, facts, when is date, things to do www,wincalendar,com/Ashura ترجمه این صفحه ۱۲ آبان ۱۳۹۳ ه‍,ش, - Ashura history, facts and quotes, When is Ashura shown on a calendar for this year and next, ,,, Ashura in 2015, Friday, Oct 23, Days to go: 2, Ashura 2015: What is the Shia festival in Karbala and why ,,, www,ibtimes,co,uk/ashura-2015-what-shia-festival-karb,,, ترجمه این صفحه ۱ روز پیش - On Friday (23 October), millions of Muslims will gather to mark the holy day of Ashura, the tenth day of Muharram in the Islamic calendar, Ashura 2015 — EthnoMed ethnomed,org › Calendar ترجمه این صفحه Saturday, Oct 24 (estimated), The Day of Ashura (عاشوراء (ʻĀshūrā', Ashura, Ashoura, and other spellings) is on the 10th day of Muharram in the Islamic ,,, ۱ آبان - ۲ آبان Ashura 2015 تصاویر برای ‪ashura 2015‬‏گزارش تصاویر نتیجه تصویری برای ‪ashura 2015‬‏ نتیجه تصویری برای ‪ashura 2015‬‏ نتیجه تصویری برای ‪ashura 2015‬‏ نتیجه تصویری برای ‪ashura 2015‬‏ تصاویر بیشتر برای ashura 2015 When Is Ashura 2015? Dates, Key Facts, History, Plus Why ,,, www,ibtimes,com/when-ashura-2015-dates-key-facts-hi,,, ترجمه این صفحه ۱۹ ساعت پیش - Afghan Shiite Muslims flagellate themselves with chains during an Ashura procession in Kabul, Afghanistan Oct, 21, 2015, Ashura, the biggest ,,, First Day of Ashura in Pakistan - Time and Date www,timeanddate,com › Calendar › Holidays › Pakistan ترجمه این صفحه ,,, Ashura, Public Holiday, Fri, Oct 23, 2015, First Day of Ashura, Public Holiday ,,, Other holidays in October 2015 in Pakistan ,,, Fun Holiday on October 23, 2015, Ashura in Iran - Time and Date www,timeanddate,com › Calendar › Holidays › Iran ترجمه این صفحه Sat, Oct 24, 2015, Ashura, National holiday, Wed, Oct 12, 2016, Ashura, National holiday, Sun, Oct 1 ,,, Other holidays in October 2015 in Iran, Eid-al-Ghadir ,,, Ashura in Iraq - Time and Date www,timeanddate,com › Calendar › Holidays › Iraq ترجمه این صفحه Sat, Oct 24, 2015, Ashura, National holiday, Wed, Oct 12, 2016, Ashura, National holiday, Sun, Oct 1, 2017, Ashura ,,, Other holidays in October 2015 in Iraq, Muharram - Office Holidays www,officeholidays,com/religious/muslim/ashura,php ترجمه این صفحه History and traditions of the Festival known as Ashura or 10th Muharram, ,,, Muslim Holiday Islamic Holiday, Ashura ,,, 2015, Saturday, October 24th, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 صفحهٔ بعدی ناشناس - استفاده از موقعیت مکانی دقیق - بیشتر بدانید راهنما ارسال بازخورد حریم خصوصی شرایط, ادامه مطلب

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